主旨:本校教育學系辦理碩士學位班招生,敬請公告或轉知所屬教職員,歡迎踴躍報考,請查照。 說明: 一、本校教育學系辦理之班別如下: (一)「中小學教師在職進修碩士學位班」(夜間上課):學校行政領導碩士班、課程與教學碩士班聯合招生。 (二)「碩士學位在職進修專班」(夜間上課):生命教育碩士班。 二、報名方式:網路報名(唯一報名方式)。 三、報名日期:自111年11月21...(全文)
schooladmin - 閞於新光 | 2012-06-29 09:11:11

We kick off a new way for learning, a whole new English Language Conversation Environment in Class. Every Monday, there are only English conversation in Mathematic class. LYSH not only make students learning Mathematic well but also English in the same time. It keeps going in this semester on our campus.

Are you interesting in our new way to teach?

Call us...... 07-7019888

LYSH prepare school lunch for students instead that students have to buy or prepare by themselves for lunch. It starts on March 1. It’s not necessary for parents to worry about their boys/girls for lunch.

A musical, humility, art and technological school in south Taiwan.

To keep students abreast of the technologial environment, we focus on practice and knowledge in learning career. We use adaptable way to make students learning to suit the characteristic of each student.

1.Immersing in the pure campus, students can learn knowledge and morality.
2.LYSH Use adaptable teaching for each individual and unique student.
3. Welcome to join us.
